CAD6studio CAD6studio
Highly efficient 2D/3D CAD system for Windows with SMART2D for planning, construction, and visualization. Import and Export of DXF, DWG, HP-GL/2, STL, JPG, PNG, and many more. Developed in Germany for more than 30 years. Full support included.

Details on CAD6studio »     Buy or Rent »     Test »     Videos »

CAD6industrie CAD6industrie
Comprehensive 2D/3D CAD/CAM solution for creating CAM data. In addition to all the features of CAD6studio, it includes a CAM part for milling, drilling, turning, water jet cutting, laser cutting, as well as cutting, plotting, and positioning.

Details on CAD6industrie »     Buy or Rent »     Test »     Videos »

CAD6team CAD6team
The attractive 2D/3D CAD rental solution for Teams with 10 or 25 users.

Details on CAD6team »
CAD6starter CAD6starter
Technical drawing in 2D – simple, fast, flexible, precise, and for free.

Details on CAD6starter »

Available now: CAD6 Release 2024.1

Check out the improved user interface with the new Parameter Window, a global Context Menu, predefined Line Types and Hatchings, improved Snapping Modes, and much more.

Please visit our News page for more information.

Online Consultation – We Present CAD6

Our consultants would love to show you what makes CAD6 so special! Just call us and we’ll present you in a spontaneous online meeting how an outstanding CAD system for Windows works. You don’t have to install a trial version!

Why CAD6 is Better

Highly efficient thanks to SMART2D Technology. Open file formats, no necessity to rent, no necessity to be online, extreme flexibility, and personal advisories!

Custom Solutions

You’re looking for a solution especially for your application? You don't find an easy way to achieve something? Let’s find the ideal solution for you!
SMART2D Technology

CAD6 is a universal 2D/3D CAD Software for Windows, but its main focus is on 2D drawing and construction. For this, CAD6 offers numerous features you won’t find that way in any other CAD system, especially facilitating the creation and modification of 2D drawings significantly.

Detailed explanation of the SMART2D Technology »

Reliable Data Exchange with CAD6studio

For data exchange with other CAD applications, CAD6studio uses the widely spread DWG and DXF file formats. Those import and export filters are constantly maintained, extremely reliable and up-to-date.

Programming using the CAD6interface (API)

Extent the program by yourself with self-made plug-ins. Without any royalties and usable in all CAD6 editions including the free CAD6starter. Personalized CAD6engine for you to distribute your plug-in easily – and in style!

We don’t have any Cookies!

You will not see any privacy warning or consent request form here. Because we do not use cookies. Neither do we collect nor sell any user data. We just offer honesty and reliabilty out of conviction!

CAD6 Videos

at YouTube (only with
German commentary)


Basics Part 1: Drawing a Line

Take your time testing!

Download and install the free 30 days trial version in order take your time testing it for yourself. If you have questions while testing, call us and let us show you via TeamViewer what makes CAD6 so special.

CAD6 in Action:

Automated Guided Vehicles

Custom Track-Planning

Simulation of Vehicle Movement

It’s Your Choice

Single license, additional licenses, team licenses, site licenses – indefinitely usable or rented. We think you should decide for yourself what’s best for you.

Live Support

Experience how pleasant good and honest support is! Technical support directly from the producer using TeamViewer.

CAD6team – The CAD Solution for Your Company

Up to 25 users within a company may install CAD6studio or CAD6industrie on any number of computers and use it concurrently. Very attractive flat rental fee, no additional costs per user.

Our Customers:

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