Move / Copy 3D Parts > Point - Point (3D Menu)

This command can be used to move or copy multiple 3D parts by exactly the distance between two points in 3D space. This can e.g. be used to align two components flush.


If you wish to move components by a given amount, use 3D > Move / Copy 3D Parts > Relative instead.


1.Choose 3D parts

The 3D parts to be moved / copied must be chosen. Click on objects to choose them.


2.Identify 3D reference point

Any component corner can be identified as the reference point for the movement by clicking near to it.


3.Identify 3D target point

Any component corner can be identified as the destination point for the movement by clicking near to it.


If the duplicate function is active when the last point is entered, the chosen 3D parts will be copied instead of moved.



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