Construction Aid Endless Line > Parallel (Construct Menu)

This command draws a Construction Aid endless line which runs parallel to a line of any type.


The distance is not entered numerically, but is implied by the entry of a point on the line If a known numeric distance is to be entered, use the command Construction Aid Endless Line > Parallel, Numerical instead.


1.Identify reference line

Any line in an existing object can be identified as the reference line. This can also be a side of a rectangle or a part of a circle segment.


After identification, a straight line which runs parallel to the identified line and moves with the mouse appears. This line is referred to as the "Reference Straight Line".


2.Enter point

After identifying the reference line, further points can be entered. Each point defines a parallel which runs through that point. This point can be entered with the mouse, by clicking anywhere in the drawing.


Once all desired points have been entered (at least one), press the right mouse button to finish the command. If the Workflow Manager is active and appears, choose Finish Command in it.


Up to 1000 parallels can be entered at one time. If this limit is reached, then no further entries are accepted.



Point entry can be undone, step by step, using the command Previous Point (ESC) or the ESC key. This makes it easy to correct incorrect entries without having to re-enter all the previously entered parallels.


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