Create 3D Parts > Extrusion (3D Menu)

This command can be used to extrude multiple 2D objects (i.e. apply a "thickness" to them) and combine them into a 3D part.


1.Choose objects

The 2D objects to be combined into a 3D part must be chosen. Click on objects to choose them.


2.Enter reference point

After choosing the 2D objects, a point is entered relative to which the 2D object will be projected into 3D space. This reference points maintains its position in the 2D plane.


After entering the reference point, the "Create Extrusion" dialog appears, in which the parameters for the transformation from the 2D plane to 3D space are entered.


If the "Duplicate" checkbox is enabled in the dialog, the chosen 2D objects will not be deleted after the 3D part has been created.



Each 3D part can consist of an arbitrary number of 2D objects which will be handled as one unit. Within one 3D part, the display order of all partial objects will automatically be sorted to assure a correct output from "background" to "foreground". Multiple 3D parts among themselves must either be sorted manually or combined to achieve a correct display order.


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